Saturday, February 27, 2010

Employed again? Babysitting Landon - Fargo, ND

Destination:   Fargo, North Dakota (USA)
Number of Days Spent:   1 month (+ 2 months before our Thanksgiving trip on previous blog)
Where we stayed:     Sara & Keith's house
Best restaurant:   How about a favorite meal?  New recipe...pork tenderloins with apples & roasted potatoes.
Best of:     Landon is a total cutie. 
Worst of:    We could both easily pass on the dirty diapers. 
Most Memorable:  It was great to be able to spend so much time with Landon.  It's amazing how quickly he is growing up! 
Time for babysitting!  More super fun time with little cutie Landon!  There isn't much to say and photos convey so much more than words!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Photos! I'm sure this has been the highlight of your trip so far!